More Final pieces from last semester

I realised the rest of my final illustrations from last semester haven’t been posted on here. So here they are! This is not the last time you will be seeing them as they will be a part of my book I have to produce for my exhibition show! I also want to re-do Bazyliszek.. considering i only did that one over night I think giving it a bit more time and making it larger would make a brilliant final piece for the exhibition!

Legends illustrated here are Bazyliszek, a legend about a dragon that hatched from a chcken’s egg, hiding in the dungeons of Kraków it guarded a treasure changing anybody who tried to steal it to stone!

The men and an eagle is a continuance of  Lech, Czech and Rus legend I wrote about in my earlier post. In these illustrations they find the tree with the white eagle. Rus reaches out for his bow to kill the eagle but Lech sees it as a sign to stay and establish his land, the village (Lechia) and people (Lechiatanie) was named after him. Today it’s Polska and Polacy.

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I am an artist that currently studies in Aberystwyth, broadening my knowledge towards Painting and Illustration. I was born in Poland and therefore I like my works to be linked to my heritage, memories and experience where I explore my own imagination in different ways. I still have no idea of what exactly it is that I would like my art to be directed at, but I know that I enjoy producing works that have a true meaning and a link to nature, beauty but also imperfections. This comes from my self experience of always being judged on who I am, where I’m from and what I look like, where all people that I have come across with, no matter what they thought of me they did always appreciate my art. Thus my self worth has been increasing and my confidence of exploring varieties of styles other than just sketching from my imagination was extended. At this moment studying in Aberystwyth have opened me to start planning out my works and listen to my intuition that, so far, has never disappointed me. I want to develop my own style to the point of being able to create anything I could ever imagine.

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